Monday, February 22, 2010


I'm so exhausted. I haven't been this tired since Braden was a newborn, and that was 2 years ago. Brendon's in the field, as I've said a million times before. I wish he was home. Braden got up at 3 am. YES, 3 EFFIN AM IN THE MORNING. I tried not to fall asleep, and I did and he ended up watching tv and then came in the room, and cuddled up to me in the bed. I feel horrible for falling asleep.

I kept trying to figure out all day why he was so cranky, come to find out... he has three more teeth coming in. Two on the top and one on the bottom. It's like wow. They're all coming in all at once now. When they are come fully in, he will have a total of 14 teeth. WOW. I remember when he got the first one at 14 months.

The snow finally tapered off, and I'm thrilled. We didn't get as much as most places. Can you believe Wolf Creek Pass got 43 inches of snow over the weekend? Amazing to me. There's a storm system next weekend that is supposed to be more potent. And here we are coming towards Spring when we are supposed to get the bigger snow storms. Not looking forward to it. I think Brendon will need to show me how to light the logs for the fireplace.