Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Weather

Well, Brendon is in the field until Thursday afternoon sometime. Lamesauce. I'm going to have to work around Braden's sleeping schedule to get school work done, and working out. His naps are scarce and starting to become non existent! What's a mom to do?

Next week is my last week of my first class, and I got my new textbooks yesterday. There's 3 for my next class. It's a PSY 202... Adult Development and Life Assessment. I'm excited, but at the same time, I need to be in the ball to pass my final. I'm sure I can do it.

We decided to get Braden a big big boy bed. He hates his toddler bed. I think he's so used to sleeping in a bigger bed when we co-slept. So we'll see how he does in his new bed. Brendon also promised to get me a new camera when the taxes come back, and I'm learning towards the Canon PowerShot A2000 (silver) or Canon PowerShot SX200 (black). I miss my Nikon, but this will be as close as we can get, I suppose until reenlistment time. Then we can get me a DSLR camera. Maybe a Canon Rebel.  Unsure.

It's supposed to snow for the first time since we got back from Georgia for Christmas. 3 - 5 inches expected, but we'll see how it goes.