Sunday, February 21, 2010

Great Balls of Fire!

I don't even mean that in the sexual sense, either. Ha. Brendon got to come home for the day Saturday. Of course, had to drive in the snow and take him back to work. I won't see him until a week from now. Supposedly, he gets the whole weekend off, but it is the Army we're talking about. When do they ever do things the way it says?

 Yesterday something amazing happened. Braden actually used the bathroom all by himself. Such a proud mama moment for me. I cheered, clapped, and all that. And yes, that's the face that was made in mid pee. Brendon wouldn't wake up since he was exhausted from the training, so I wasn't too terribly upset. I hope when we get to see him again he won't be so dragged out, but I'm sure he will be.I think Braden wants a brother or sister around. He keeps pointing to me and saying baby. And then points at me and says baby, mine. I know he'd made a great big brother. I think we'll try for the next few months, but we'll see how that goes. I don't know, we've been semi trying for a while, and it hasn't worked. I think my weight has something to do with it. So that's why tonight, I started working out. It felt good to get down and work with Bob on the dvd.

I'd also like mother nature to stop being so angry.... and stop making it snow. It's effing freezing here in Colorado and has been snowing for DAYS now.