Sunday, February 7, 2010

Proud of myself

I'm about to be done with my first class with Ashford. I'm excited. My next class starts Tuesday. It's a little more difficult than the first, and involved a lot more writing and reading. Makes sense since this was a intro class.I'll know my final grade soon. I'm soo excited and proud of myself.

We're watching the Superbowl. Well, correction, Brendon is, I just cut Bolt on Netflix for Braden. He loves that movie.  Not much going on in our household tonight. Plus, it's snowing and has been off and on all day. Gotta love Colorado. I need to get out more. Friends? I need them. My only good friend is AWOL right now, and I am glad she's okay. Long story. And mostly for Braden's benefit. I'd like him to be around kids his age. We do play group once a week, but he's more of a follower, and we tend to go to places where Braden runs off and hardly listens to me. I'm trying to teach him to listen, but it's hard.

I bought two DVD's the other day, to help me workout. It's a Dancing With the Stars DVD and the Biggest Loser 30 Day Jumpstart. In total, I've lost 8 lbs! I'm also proud of myself for that as well.

I'm off. Braden is getting sleepy, and doesn't want to watch Bolt right now. Bed time he goes, and exercise for me.

P.S - if anyone knows some good blogs to follow, link them here please. :)


Ashley February 8, 2010 at 11:38 AM  

Have you looked into a mom's morning out group? My friend who just moved to Ft. Carson found one for her son. It's from 9:00-12:30p. Give you time to do things for yourself (like school work, grocery shop) while someone's watching Braden. Let me know if you want the info on it!

Awesome job on finishing up your first class! I'm looking to go back this fall and I'm super excited :)

Kena February 8, 2010 at 2:04 PM  

I've thought about it. I don't know what I'd be like if I had time to myself. But yes, I'd like some more info about it. It's worth a try. :)

Ashley February 8, 2010 at 7:20 PM  

I asked my friend for the info, so as soon as I hear something back from here I'll send it to you on Facebook. Also, link your blog with an email address!

Kena February 8, 2010 at 8:24 PM  

I don't know how to do that. :( I'm so used to the livejournal interface, I'll check a FAQ and see how to do it. It can't be that hard. Thanks!